As we have mentioned previously, we are very excited about our new website and app, and the fantastic tools they are for our community and beyond! Making these new platforms available for you means we can communicate in new and easier ways. With this new tool, we will now phase out our use of Mailchimp. What is MailChimp? It is the service we pay for to send you this weekly email containing our "E-News." What Are We Changing? Starting February 7th, we will shift delivery of the "E-news" from Mailchimp to our app and our website. For those that prefer to receive our E-news via email, you will still get an email notification that each week's E-News has been posted to the app and our website. This email will have a link making it easy to access the most recent edition. The easiest access will be through our app, however. At the bottom of the app when you open it, look for the button that says, "E-news." With this button you'll not only see the most recent edition, but all of the previous editions too. The "E-news" is also easy to access on our website. On the top right corner of our homepage, there is a button that says, "THIS WEEK," which will get you to the most recent edition and all back editions as well. Why Are We Changing? There are a few main reasons.
Absolutely not! Each week, we will publish the E-news. You will still receive an email notification with a link to the most recent edition. We are simply making it easier to find through our app and on our website. Whether you see the email notification or not, you can access the E-news anytime and anywhere through our app and website! And, if you don't have a smart phone, you can always go to our website - www.fumcstw.org - and click on the large "THIS WEEK" button for the latest E-News. |
What's New?

THIS SUNDAY - 7th Annual Chili Cookoff
Momentum Youth’s 7th Annual Chili Cook-off is THIS SUNDAY, January 26, 5:00-7:00pm! $2 a person at the door gets you a full chili dinner, as well as an opportunity to taste the entries. Enter YOUR favorite chili by signing up HERE or contact Janelda Lane at jlane@fumcstw.org |

New Young Families Sunday School Class
Come join our new class for all types of family structures, with school-aged children or younger. The "Rooted Families Class" will launch on Sunday, February 9th, 11:00am – 12 noon, in Family Life Center – Room #104. This class seeks to develop deep relationships rooted in scriptural truth that provides support while in the thick of growing a family. There will be a monthly fellowship lunch at a class member’s home. For more information, contact Pastor Cindy at crriedel@fumcstw.org or at the Church Office: 405-372-5854.

Serving Hungry Hearts
Every Thursday, we host a free Community Dinner and welcome an average of 120 people. This ministry is not funded by a line item in our budget. It exists to serve by the generosity of donations. Currently, funds are low for this ministry and your Missions Committee is asking you to consider supporting it with your gifts.
A gift of $4.00 would cover the cost of 1 meal. A gift of $100 would feed 25 community members and $480 would sponsor the dinner for 1 week. A gift of any amount would be welcomed to support this ministry.
To contribute an offering for the Community Dinner, you may give online through our website or app. Please be sure to designate your gift for "Community Dinner." You may also donate by check or cash and designate it, "Hungry Hearts," or "Community Dinner." For more information or questions, you may contact the Church Office at 405-372-5854.
Your Missions Committee thanks you for coming alongside this ministry with your support!
A gift of $4.00 would cover the cost of 1 meal. A gift of $100 would feed 25 community members and $480 would sponsor the dinner for 1 week. A gift of any amount would be welcomed to support this ministry.
To contribute an offering for the Community Dinner, you may give online through our website or app. Please be sure to designate your gift for "Community Dinner." You may also donate by check or cash and designate it, "Hungry Hearts," or "Community Dinner." For more information or questions, you may contact the Church Office at 405-372-5854.
Your Missions Committee thanks you for coming alongside this ministry with your support!

California Wildfire Relief
In response to the California Wildfire Disaster, your Missions Committee has donated $1,000 to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). To join us in this support you may give online or via the app by clicking on “Give” and selecting “UMCOR” from the drop-down box; by check noting “UMCOR” in the memo line; or, by placing cash in a labeled envelope.

New Women's Bible Study
There will be a new women's bible study beginning Tuesday, January 28th, 9:30am in FUMC Parlor. They will be using the book, "Twelve Extraordinary Women" by John MacArthur. All women are welcome to join! If you have any questions, please contact Velda Lorenz, 405-269-8287.

Shower Ministry Update
The FUMC Shower Ministry would welcome donations of supplies. Every Thursday, free showers are made available at our Family Life Center, 2:00–3:30 p.m., for those who need a shower. Each Shower Ministry guest is provided: a new t-shirt, a pair of underwear and socks, as well as toiletry items of soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, and body lotion when requested.
If you would like to provide some of the needed clothing items, you may sign up by CLICKING HERE or by calling the Church Office at 405-372-5854. Due to storage of supplies, toiletry items are not accepted at this time, with the exception listed in Sign Up Genius. A tub labeled “Shower Ministry” is located outside the Church Office for your donations. Thank you for helping this wonderful ministry!
If you would like to provide some of the needed clothing items, you may sign up by CLICKING HERE or by calling the Church Office at 405-372-5854. Due to storage of supplies, toiletry items are not accepted at this time, with the exception listed in Sign Up Genius. A tub labeled “Shower Ministry” is located outside the Church Office for your donations. Thank you for helping this wonderful ministry!
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