A Note from Pastor Charla
I enjoyed my first Advent season with you, Stillwater First! Your traditions are beautiful. I'd never experienced Hanging of the Greens like you do it here. That was remarkable. The Christmas Cantata was stunning in its message and performance. If you didn't get a chance to experience it in person, CLICK HERE for the livestream performance. And Christmas Eve was absolutely lovely. The choir sang us into Silent Night with such a lovely piece that covered the darkness with peace. Thank you for initiating me with grace and encouragement as we traveled the road to Christmas together. May you know Christmas blessings as we continue to celebrate through Epiphany.
As the New Year begins, our sermon and worship focus will shift toward identifying God's leading in our lives. On Jan. 5, I'll begin a sermon series called, "Five Cups of Coffee." I'll walk you through five conversations I encourage you to have with a friend, focusing on how God might be leading you to grow in your faith and serve out of a love for Christ.
Each conversation will be guided by intentional questions given to you on a printed piece we'll be distributing after the first of the year. Be thinking and praying about who your conversation partner should be. Who is someone you look up to in the faith? Who has accompanied you through life's hard times? Who would you ask to pray for you in a crisis? I hope a name comes to mind, but if not -- I'm offering to match you with someone. For the match, fill out this form. I'll only be matching those who submit this request. This means you'll be matched with someone else who asked for a conversation partner.
On the first Sunday of this series, I'll encourage you to participate at whatever level feels right to you. You can take the conversation guide and reflect on the questions by yourself. You can invite a friend to join you in the five conversations. You can ask me to match you with a conversation partner for the five conversations. And, for those that wish, I'll meet with both of you after the conversations to debrief what you learned and where you feel like God is leading you. Regardless of the option(s) you choose, I know God is going to reveal the blessing of serving where we are gifted. There is nothing sweeter than discovering that you are uniquely gifted to meet a need and can do so as an act of faith.
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Charla
As the New Year begins, our sermon and worship focus will shift toward identifying God's leading in our lives. On Jan. 5, I'll begin a sermon series called, "Five Cups of Coffee." I'll walk you through five conversations I encourage you to have with a friend, focusing on how God might be leading you to grow in your faith and serve out of a love for Christ.
Each conversation will be guided by intentional questions given to you on a printed piece we'll be distributing after the first of the year. Be thinking and praying about who your conversation partner should be. Who is someone you look up to in the faith? Who has accompanied you through life's hard times? Who would you ask to pray for you in a crisis? I hope a name comes to mind, but if not -- I'm offering to match you with someone. For the match, fill out this form. I'll only be matching those who submit this request. This means you'll be matched with someone else who asked for a conversation partner.
On the first Sunday of this series, I'll encourage you to participate at whatever level feels right to you. You can take the conversation guide and reflect on the questions by yourself. You can invite a friend to join you in the five conversations. You can ask me to match you with a conversation partner for the five conversations. And, for those that wish, I'll meet with both of you after the conversations to debrief what you learned and where you feel like God is leading you. Regardless of the option(s) you choose, I know God is going to reveal the blessing of serving where we are gifted. There is nothing sweeter than discovering that you are uniquely gifted to meet a need and can do so as an act of faith.
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Charla
Family of Faith

New Members - The Jansa Family
We welcome our newest members: Josh and Breanna Jansa and their children, Ainsley and Ezra. Last Sunday, they officially became members of our family of faith. Make sure to give them a warm First UMC welcome next time you see them!
What's New?

End-of-Year Contributions to Stillwater First UMC
As the year comes to a close, Stillwater First United Methodist Church appreciates your contribution to help support the mission and ministry of the church. Your generous gifts enable the church to continue its vital work in the community and beyond.
To ensure your contribution is credited to the 2024 tax year, and following IRS guidelines, please note the following deadlines:
Checks: Must be postmarked by December 31, 2024 or dropped in the Church Office Mailbox (along 7th Street) before 11:59 PM on 12/31/2024.
Online Contributions: Must be received by 11:59 PM on December 31, 2024.These guidelines allow us to process your gift in a timely manner, ensuring it is counted for the current year.
Thank you for your continued support of Stillwater First UMC. Your contributions make a lasting impact.
To ensure your contribution is credited to the 2024 tax year, and following IRS guidelines, please note the following deadlines:
Checks: Must be postmarked by December 31, 2024 or dropped in the Church Office Mailbox (along 7th Street) before 11:59 PM on 12/31/2024.
Online Contributions: Must be received by 11:59 PM on December 31, 2024.These guidelines allow us to process your gift in a timely manner, ensuring it is counted for the current year.
Thank you for your continued support of Stillwater First UMC. Your contributions make a lasting impact.

Holiday Office Schedule
The church office will be closed Jan. 1. The office will be open on Dec. 30, 31 and Jan. 2.

Friday Quilters Update
After a busy year, the Friday Quilters delivered their "stash" of quilts on December 6th. We delivered twin size quilts, baby quilts, lap quilts, wheelchair covers, adult bibs and new baby bags.
Recipients were Mission of Hope, Wings of Hope, Stillwater Creek Nursing Center, Westhaven Nursing Home and Rehab center, Karmen Legacy Hospice, Birthright Stillwater and Stillwater Life Services.
Friday Quilters meet each Friday at 9:00am in the sewing room on the lower level of the main building. Quilters include Wilma Ramming, Linda Smeltzer, Jane Curtis, Marlene Preston, Barbara Fulton Dorinda Gouw, Carla Giddeon and Alice Fowler. If you would be interested in joining the group contact Alice Fowler at 405-612-4269 or ajcfowler@gmail.com
Recipients were Mission of Hope, Wings of Hope, Stillwater Creek Nursing Center, Westhaven Nursing Home and Rehab center, Karmen Legacy Hospice, Birthright Stillwater and Stillwater Life Services.
Friday Quilters meet each Friday at 9:00am in the sewing room on the lower level of the main building. Quilters include Wilma Ramming, Linda Smeltzer, Jane Curtis, Marlene Preston, Barbara Fulton Dorinda Gouw, Carla Giddeon and Alice Fowler. If you would be interested in joining the group contact Alice Fowler at 405-612-4269 or ajcfowler@gmail.com
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