Charge Conference Results
I am excited to share that our charge conference voted to approve the sale of the parking lot we own on the east side of Duck Street to the Payne County Commissioners. We met on Wednesday evening to receive information on the offer and deliberate. The vote was in favor of selling. I’m glad to provide any additional information you might need or answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me via email: cgwartney@fumcstw.org Grace and peace, Pastor Charla |
What's New?

Martin Luther King Jr. Events in Stillwater
On Sunday evening, January 19, at 6:00pm, a city-wide Martin Luther King Jr. ceremony will be held at the Community Center with singing by the Mt. Zion choir, a short address by former OSU Chief of Police Leon Jones, a welcome by Mayor Will Joyce, and lots of fellowship and refreshments. We hope you will attend this celebration. UPDATE - Due to extreme winter weather, the annual MLK March has been cancelled. We are in need of cookies for the Sunday night celebration. If you are willing to help, please contact Martha McMillian at her email: martha.mcmillian@okstate.edu or text: 405-747-7101 Thanks for your help! |

NEXT WEEK - Church Family Square Dance
Mark your calendars for January 24th and grab your dancing shoes! From 5:30-7pm, Trish Ranson will be leading square dances for people of all ages. Dinner will be provided, so come hungry and ready to have fun!

Serving Hungry Hearts
Every Thursday, we host a free Community Dinner and welcome an average of 120 people. This ministry is not funded by a line item in our budget. It exists to serve by the generosity of donations. Currently, funds are low for this ministry and your Missions Committee is asking you to consider supporting it with your gifts.
A gift of $4.00 would cover the cost of 1 meal. A gift of $100 would feed 25 community members and $480 would sponsor the dinner for 1 week. A gift of any amount would be welcomed to support this ministry.
To contribute an offering for the Community Dinner, you may give online through our website or app. Please be sure to designate your gift for "Community Dinner." You may also donate by check or cash and designate it, "Hungry Hearts," or "Community Dinner." For more information or questions, you may contact the Church Office at 405-372-5854.
Your Missions Committee thanks you for coming alongside this ministry with your support!
A gift of $4.00 would cover the cost of 1 meal. A gift of $100 would feed 25 community members and $480 would sponsor the dinner for 1 week. A gift of any amount would be welcomed to support this ministry.
To contribute an offering for the Community Dinner, you may give online through our website or app. Please be sure to designate your gift for "Community Dinner." You may also donate by check or cash and designate it, "Hungry Hearts," or "Community Dinner." For more information or questions, you may contact the Church Office at 405-372-5854.
Your Missions Committee thanks you for coming alongside this ministry with your support!

California Wildfire Relief
In response to the California Wildfire Disaster, your Missions Committee has donated $1,000 to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). To join us in this support you may give online or via the app by clicking on “Give” and selecting “UMCOR” from the drop-down box; by check noting “UMCOR” in the memo line; or, by placing cash in a labeled envelope.

Bolivia Mission Update
Bishop Medardo of the Methodist Church in Bolivia has invited us to come in May of 2025 to share in the fellowship of our South American brothers and sisters. This mission team will again be a combination of medical, construction, and children’s ministries. We are still organizing our next mission team for May 2025 and will travel to San Pedro, approximately a 2-hour drive from the city of Santa Cruz.
Everyone with any life experience will be well qualified to contribute to this team’s success. Please consider how you can be an asset to this mission. San Pedro is in the lowlands of southeast Bolivia. I will be getting more details about this area as we go forward since it is not the typical high-altitude projects we have experienced in the past. No commitment is necessary at this time, we are just seeking interested persons. For more information contact Doug Valley at doug.dvllc@gmail.com
Everyone with any life experience will be well qualified to contribute to this team’s success. Please consider how you can be an asset to this mission. San Pedro is in the lowlands of southeast Bolivia. I will be getting more details about this area as we go forward since it is not the typical high-altitude projects we have experienced in the past. No commitment is necessary at this time, we are just seeking interested persons. For more information contact Doug Valley at doug.dvllc@gmail.com

College & Young Adult Bible Study Resumes
College & Young Adult Bible Study resumes this coming week! Tuesday at 7pm, join us for a meal as we deep dive into scripture. Whether you were with us or not in the fall or not, join downstairs FLC this Tuesday January 21st! Scan the QR code to join the GroupMe, or contact Janelda Lane at jlane@fumcstw.org for more info.

New Women's Bible Study
There will be a new women's bible study beginning Tuesday, January 28th, 9:30am in FUMC Parlor. They will be using the book, "Twelve Extraordinary Women" by John MacArthur. All women are welcome to join! If you have any questions, please contact Velda Lorenz, 405-269-8287.

Momentum Youth's 7th Annual Chili Cookoff
Momentum Youth’s 7th Annual Chili Cook-off is January 26, 5:00-7:00pm! $2 a person at the door gets you a full chili dinner, as well as an opportunity to taste the entries. Enter YOUR favorite chili by signing up HERE or contact Janelda Lane at jlane@fumcstw.org

Shower Ministry Needs Volunteers
The Shower Ministry needs volunteers for one Thursday per month. We need a male and a female volunteer each week to assist our clients. Please contact Beth Buchanan, 405-612-6972, or bbeth0805@gmail.com if you have questions, would like to discuss further or express interest.
New Website and New App
Many of you have noticed we launched a new website for this new year. If you haven't seen it yet, our website can be found at our same URL as before: www.fumcstw.org We also have a new app! Throughout the month of January, we will be rolling out new features on both our website and our app. Some of you may be wondering, "what has changed?" or perhaps even more importantly to you "why did it change?" Those are great questions!
From many different sources of feedback, it was clear our previous website was difficult to navigate and even more difficult to find the up-to-date information people were really wanting. In addition, people with nefarious intent were trolling our previous site. A number of different times last year, folks used contact info on our website seeking to scam staff members and members of our congregation. Our new site only provides email contact info for our staff, insuring that people's personal contact information is kept safe from those with malicious intent.
Overall, our new website focuses on those looking for a new church home. Our app, on the other hand, is focused on you -- people with an existing connection to our church. With new features rolling out weekly, our new website and app connect you with our livestream in higher fidelity than before, let you check out the latest E-News, and view the upcoming events that we have that month. Our app has an easy-to-use interface and features you have requested (such as our new children check-in system, which will be coming soon).
As we continue to create these valuable tools for our church family, you may see items we have not noticed yet. You are welcome to send your questions, comments, and/or concerns to our Technology Coordinator, Garett Reding, at greding@fumcstw.org We look forward to sharing more features with you once they officially roll out in the weeks to come!
From many different sources of feedback, it was clear our previous website was difficult to navigate and even more difficult to find the up-to-date information people were really wanting. In addition, people with nefarious intent were trolling our previous site. A number of different times last year, folks used contact info on our website seeking to scam staff members and members of our congregation. Our new site only provides email contact info for our staff, insuring that people's personal contact information is kept safe from those with malicious intent.
Overall, our new website focuses on those looking for a new church home. Our app, on the other hand, is focused on you -- people with an existing connection to our church. With new features rolling out weekly, our new website and app connect you with our livestream in higher fidelity than before, let you check out the latest E-News, and view the upcoming events that we have that month. Our app has an easy-to-use interface and features you have requested (such as our new children check-in system, which will be coming soon).
As we continue to create these valuable tools for our church family, you may see items we have not noticed yet. You are welcome to send your questions, comments, and/or concerns to our Technology Coordinator, Garett Reding, at greding@fumcstw.org We look forward to sharing more features with you once they officially roll out in the weeks to come!
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