Out from Behind the Pulpit
I look forward to celebrating Christmas Eve with you, my new friends at Stillwater First UMC! This week, our worship team has been putting all the details together for this extraordinary service of hope. We are planning to come to the Communion Table, light our candles and sing, “Silent Night.” We will worship at 3:00 pm in the Family Life Center – 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. I hope you'll join us if you are in town. If you want to join us on the livestream, look for us at 7:00 pm on our YouTube channel.
We’ll be finalizing our 2025 budget the first part of January. It would help us be good stewards of our plans for next year to receive your financial commitment between now and the end of the year. If you haven't turned in your pledge yet, you can submit your commitment amount via an email to Daniel Guthrie. Here's an update. So far, we’ve received 177 commitments and 11 of those are new. Our total amount pledged is $1,157,205. Compare that with the pledges we’d received at this time last year: $1,065,679.
On Christmas Eve, we will receive a special offering that goes beyond the walls of our church. This year, our Missions Committee has directed the Christmas Eve offering to our Weekend Food Sacks Ministry. We supply a weekend’s worth of nourishment for any Stillwater Public School student that needs it, usually between 600-700 sacks each week. On Christmas Eve, we’ll ask you to give generously to this effort to see that no child goes hungry. You’ll hear more about this ministry next Sunday, Dec. 22, and on Christmas Eve.
May the peace of Christ be yours this Advent,
We’ll be finalizing our 2025 budget the first part of January. It would help us be good stewards of our plans for next year to receive your financial commitment between now and the end of the year. If you haven't turned in your pledge yet, you can submit your commitment amount via an email to Daniel Guthrie. Here's an update. So far, we’ve received 177 commitments and 11 of those are new. Our total amount pledged is $1,157,205. Compare that with the pledges we’d received at this time last year: $1,065,679.
On Christmas Eve, we will receive a special offering that goes beyond the walls of our church. This year, our Missions Committee has directed the Christmas Eve offering to our Weekend Food Sacks Ministry. We supply a weekend’s worth of nourishment for any Stillwater Public School student that needs it, usually between 600-700 sacks each week. On Christmas Eve, we’ll ask you to give generously to this effort to see that no child goes hungry. You’ll hear more about this ministry next Sunday, Dec. 22, and on Christmas Eve.
May the peace of Christ be yours this Advent,

Family of Faith

Welcome, Dean Family!
This past Sunday, Scott and Karen Dean officially joined the Stillwater First UMC family of faith! Make sure next time you see them to give them a warm First UMC welcome!
What's New?

THIS SUNDAY - Children's Pageant
Join us this Sunday, December 15th, for our annual Christmas Children's Pageant, where our First UMC kiddos will sing and reenact the story of Christmas! This a fun event for the whole family and will start at 5pm in the Family Life Center.

THIS SUNDAY - Upcoming Blood Drive
This Sunday, December 15th, we will be hosting a blood drive in the Family Life Center from 8:30am-12:30pm. To sign-up to donate, please visit www.obi.org

FINAL WEEK - Honor Loved Ones with Poinsettias
This Christmas season, you can honor or remember family members and friends by purchasing a poinsettia to decorate our sanctuary. Each poinsettia is $15, with a portion of your gift supporting missions. Names of those honored or remembered will be listed in our Christmas Eve Worship Bulletin, and poinsettias may be taken home following the Christmas Eve service you attend.
To place an order, complete the order form and submit it along with your payment. Checks should be made payable to FUMC with “Poinsettia” in the memo line. Order forms are available in the building on Sunday mornings or by calling the church office. Completed forms, along with checks, can be returned in the offering plate or by mailing it to the office.
Order Deadline: Monday, December 16
Thank you for helping us beautify the sanctuary and support missions this Christmas season!
To place an order, complete the order form and submit it along with your payment. Checks should be made payable to FUMC with “Poinsettia” in the memo line. Order forms are available in the building on Sunday mornings or by calling the church office. Completed forms, along with checks, can be returned in the offering plate or by mailing it to the office.
Order Deadline: Monday, December 16
Thank you for helping us beautify the sanctuary and support missions this Christmas season!

FINAL WEEK - Staff Christmas Offering
Each year, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) asks for your generous support of our staff Christmas gift. As a token of our appreciation, we bless each of our staff with a financial gift the week prior to Christmas through your generosity. We will begin collecting gifts December 1 and will continue to be present at all three services through December 15.
You can find members of the SPRC around our building holding a Christmas box. Additionally, if you would like to give online, you may do so by clicking the Donate button in the app and designate your gift, “Church Staff Christmas.” Thank you for blessing the staff during this special time of year. Wishing you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.
You can find members of the SPRC around our building holding a Christmas box. Additionally, if you would like to give online, you may do so by clicking the Donate button in the app and designate your gift, “Church Staff Christmas.” Thank you for blessing the staff during this special time of year. Wishing you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.

Opportunity to Serve - Salvation Army
The Salvation Army could use your help with their annual Christmas Gift Distribution on Thursday, December 19. They are offering two shifts: 8:00am-12:30pm and 12:30pm-5:00pm. If you can assist, please contact Shannon Thorson at shannon.thorson@uss.salvationarmy.org, or call/text her at 405-372-1554. This event requires many hands so even if you only have a few hours that day, contact Shannon and see how you can help!

Momentum Youth Caroling
On Wednesday evening, the Youth loaded up in the vans to spread some Christmas cheer! They went from one side of town to the other caroling to several members of our congregation (and Gabe’s Grandma ?)!

Cookies and Carols
Join us December 18th at 7pm in the Sanctuary for a fun night filled delicious cookies and singing Christmas carols!
Advent Event Calendar

Live Nativity
We are so excited for our upcoming Live Nativity, which will take place Saturday, December 21st, from 5:00-6:30pm in our Labyrinth area next our Family Life Center! There will be people dressed in costumes of the times, reliving the excitement of the newly born messiah! We will also have live animals and tons of fun for the whole community, so please feel free to share this event as well!

Live Nativity
We are so excited for our upcoming Live Nativity, which will take place Saturday, December 21st, from 5:00-6:30pm in our Labyrinth area next our Family Life Center! There will be people dressed in costumes of the times, reliving the excitement of the newly born messiah! We will also have live animals and tons of fun for the whole community, so please feel free to share this event as well!
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