
What's New?

Sunday Worship, March 2

Scripture -- Joshua 1:1-9
Sermon -- "Meditate on Good Things"
Preacher -- Pastor Cindy Robertson Riedel
Our Livestream link is available on our church app and website each week!

New Member

We are so excited to have Misty Toms joining our family of faith! Please make sure that when you see them that you give her a warm Stillwater First UMC welcome!

THIS SUNDAY - Senior Parent Meeting

Parents of graduating high school seniors, please attend this brief informative meeting on March 2nd, at 7:00pm, in the large room upstairs in the FLC, regarding this year’s SENIOR SUNDAY! Senior Sunday is May 18th, when we will honor our graduating seniors during morning worship. We want to honor all FUMC's graduating seniors, regardless of their current level of participation in youth activities.  If questions contact Janelda Lane at jlane@fumcstw.org

Lenten Worship Series: Believe Like Jesus

We enter Lent with humility and a prayer that during this season, we might come to believe like Jesus. During this holy season, we will follow themes of a new book by Rebekah Simon-Peter, “Believe Like Jesus: Rising From Faith in Jesus to the Faith of Jesus.” If you are curious about her work, the link will give you more information and/or allow you to purchase her book by CLICKING HERE.

Our neighboring United Methodist congregations (Lost Creek, Eden Chapel and Perkins First) will join us on our Lenten journey. On Good Friday, April 18, we’ll gather in our Social Hall for lunch and a Good Friday observance, marking the conclusion of our shared Lenten experience.

Soon, we will provide cards to invite a friend to join us during Lent. Let us be praying for the Holy Spirit to lead us in observing a life-changing Lent this year.

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday

Lent, a 40-day period of preparation for Easter, begins on Ash Wednesday, Mar. 5. Throughout most of Christian history, faithful followers have seen this as one of the holiest seasons of the year. The Lenten journey usually involves an intentional sacrifice, known as fasting or abstinence. This reminder – that we’ve chosen to give up a particular habit or item – also reminds us of what Christ gave up on the cross for our salvation.

Themes of Lent are: repentance, self-examination, faithfulness, and sacrifice. The worship on Ash Wednesday incorporates all of these themes, providing a solemn entry into this important season. We receive the imposition of ashes – when a pastor uses ashes to mark the sign of the cross on your forehead or on the back of your hand. You are reminded that, “from dust you came and to dust you shall return.” We embrace our mortality on Ash Wednesday, even as we hold forth the hope of eternal life with Christ. After receiving the ashes, you can receive Holy Communion, an act of trust in God’s providence and grace.

We welcome you to join us for Ash Wednesday worship in our sanctuary or on our livestream. This worship service will happen at 12:10 pm and will be repeated at 7:00 pm. Only the 7:00 pm service will be livestreamed. Choose the time that works best for you and your family. Come in person or join us on the livestream. Children are welcome at both services. If you’ve never experienced Ash Wednesday, make it a point to join us this year. This service is always a moving entry into a powerful time of deepening our faith, the season of Lent.

Shrove Tuesday

Join us for a delicious evening of food and fellowship at our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner!

Date: Tuesday, March 4
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Location: Social Hall

Before we begin the season of Lent, let’s gather as a church family for a time-honored tradition—fluffy pancakes, warm syrup, and great company! Bring your appetite and invite a friend!

Donations are welcome, and all proceeds will support Rise Against Hunger, our Lenten offering emphasis.

Come hungry, leave happy, and start Lent with a full heart (and stomach)! See you there!

UWF Service and Sandwiches

The women of UWF are invited to attend the Ash Wednesday service at 12:10, March 5, followed by a light lunch in the social hall. A brief business meeting will follow.
See you then!

Easter Eggs Needed for Annual Eggstravaganza

We are so excited for our annual Easter Egg Eggstravaganza coming up on April 19th! We are currently fully stocked on candy (thank you to everyone who donated!), now all we need are plastic eggs! There are plastic egg donation baskets set out in both buildings to collect empty, plastic extra-large or jumbo eggs. Thank you for your help! 

Payne County UMC Youth Get Together

On Sunday evening, 23 of our Youth attended another installment of our Payne County UMC Youth get-togethers at Eden Chapel UMC. Pastor Katie Paul and several other Eden Chapel women were wonderful hosts! We would like to express our gratitude to them and Christy, who helped chaperone! 

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