Community Ministries & Volunteer Opportunities

We believe that God has given each of us gifts and called us to further God’s Kingdom in the world. In response to this amazing grace, we serve – using our gifts for God’s purposes here in the Stillwater community and around the world. We lead several ministries in the Stillwater community, and we support several more. You are welcome to serve with us! You will see below short descriptions of how we serve. If you would like to serve and be a part of these opportunities with us, please fill out our brief interest form! We respond within 7 days. You are also welcome to call the church office (405) 372-5854 during our office hours for more information!

Community Dinner

Assist in the preparation and serving of our Community Dinner on one or multiple Thursdays a month. Community Dinner is open to anyone who needs a hot meal each Thursday from 5-6pm.
Contact person: Sapeida Myers

Shower Ministry 

Free showers are available on Thursdays from 2–4pm. We have an onsite male and female volunteer greeting our guests who arrive for a shower. They hand them a clean towel, washcloth, and personal toiletry items. We also provide a clean T-shirt, pair of underwear, and socks. Our shower guests often wait outside until doors are unlocked for the weekly Community Dinner.
Contact person: Beth Buchanan

Weekend Food Sacks 

One in five children in Payne County are food insecure. We never want a child to go hungry. For 20 years, Stillwater has been sending food home on the weekends with kids that might not have enough to eat. We pack 2,600 food sacks per month and deliver them to area schools on Fridays for distribution. You can help pack food sacks on the 4th Tuesday of each month. You can also contribute funds. It costs $18,000 per month to purchase the food. Use our online giving page HERE and select, “Weekend Food Sacks.”
Contact person: Karen Hinton

Hope House

Hope House

The Hope House is a resource center for foster families. Check out their Facebook page HERE for more information about needed items. Volunteer opportunities are available on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 10am—noon. Financial support is always appreciated. Use our online giving page HERE and designate
your gift, “Hope House.”
Contact person: Bea LaValley
The Hope House is a resource center for foster families. Check out their Facebook page HERE for more information about needed items. Volunteer opportunities are available on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 10am—noon. Financial support is always appreciated. Use our online giving page HERE and designate
your gift, “Hope House.”
Contact person: Bea LaValley

Community Partnerships

Community Partnerships

We partner with several area ministries to meet the needs of our community. If you would like to know more about our partnerships with Our Daily Bread, Stillwater Cares, and many others – please contact our office using the button below!
We partner with several area ministries to meet the needs of our community. If you would like to know more about our partnerships with Our Daily Bread, Stillwater Cares, and many others – please contact our office using the button below!