
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

We give because God first gave to us. We give because Jesus calls us to live generously. We give because it exercises our trust muscles and helps us become stronger in our faith. Our members have vowed to support our church with their prayers, presence, financial gifts, service and witness. It is a joy to support what God is doing through our church to bless the world. Whether you are a member or not, we are grateful for your generosity when you give.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Giving online offers a simple and secure way to support our church and impact our community. To give online, please use the giving form to the right.

Give in Person

You may give each Sunday during the worship service or bring a check to the church office during the weekday office hours.

Mail a Check

Mailing a check offers a secure and straightforward way to support the church, especially for those who prefer not to give electronically or with cash. It allows you to control the timing and amount of your contribution while still providing the opportunity to support the mission and ministries of our church.