What's New?

THIS SATURDAY - Live Nativity
We are so excited for our upcoming Live Nativity, which will take place Saturday, December 21st, from 5:00-6:30pm in our Labyrinth area next our Family Life Center! There will be people dressed in costumes of the times, reliving the excitement of the newly born messiah! We will also have live animals and tons of fun for the whole community, so please feel free to share this event as well!

Momentum Youth Progressive Dinner
What a fun way to wrap up the Advent season, racing from house to house to enjoy appetizers, a main course, and dessert course complete with a gift exchange! The Middle School and Junior High Youth had a blast at their annual Progressive Dinner last weekend! The Senior High has theirs this weekend. Big thanks to the parents who have opened their homes to the youth, as well as those who provide for each course!

Advent Event Calendar

Live Nativity
We are so excited for our upcoming Live Nativity, which will take place Saturday, December 21st, from 5:00-6:30pm in our Labyrinth area next our Family Life Center! There will be people dressed in costumes of the times, reliving the excitement of the newly born messiah! We will also have live animals and tons of fun for the whole community, so please feel free to share this event as well!
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