fumc children

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
— Matthew 10:14

At First United Methodist Church, we’re intentional about making God real and relevant in reaching every child with God’s truth. Our Children’s Ministry intentionally and creatively reaches out to raise up a generation of individuals who know and love Jesus and learn how to share Him with others by offering the Children’s Conversation, Children’s Church, Sunday School and a variety of children’s events throughout the year.


children’s music

The Music Ministry at First United Methodist Church is an active, worshipping, growing, and vital part of the church’s mission. There are no audition requirements for many of our ensembles. The choirs and bell choirs are open to anyone interested. To learn more about our Music Ministries or to join an ensemble, please contact Keegan Rose by clicking the button below.

children’s choir - Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.  – Main Building – Rm. 111

The Children’s Choir is a blessing to God and the congregation every month when they sing in worship! All children in 1stthrough 5th grades are welcome to join the choir for Wednesday evening rehearsals during the school year. Rehearsal lasts 45-50 minutes and then the children participate in activities led by our Director of Children’s Ministries such as a devotion, snack, and games. This group also learns and performs the Children’s Christmas Pageant every year!

youth bells - Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. – Main Building – Rm. 112

The Youth Bells ensemble allows younger ringers to not only learn how to play bells and chimes as well as how to play with an ensemble, but also gives our children the opportunity to provide excellent music for worship on a monthly basis! This group of 5th through 12th graders meets for 30 minutes on Wednesday evenings during the school year and is open to all Youth interested in learning to ring!


Sunday school & children’s church

Sunday School and Children’s Church provides children of all ages the opportunity to learn about and come to love and serve Jesus. For more information, contact our Children’s Ministry Director Chris Ward by clicking the button below.

children’s church

Children’s Church is offered each Sunday following the Children’s Conversation during the 8:30 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. worship services. Children ages three to 2nd grade will be picked up after the Children’s Conversation and taken to their appropriate classrooms.

Sunday School

Sunday School is provided at 10:00am in the sanctuary building. Children gather in Room 219 to sing songs of praise together and are then escorted to their age-appropriate classrooms to read a Bible story and do a craft with our amazing Sunday School teachers!


early childhood center

The Early Childhood Center provides a daily children’s day out, Pre-School, and Pre-K program throughout the school year. For more information please visit the ECC page by clicking the button below!